Soundtrack for THE Q

Spoiler Alert: This is the soundtrack for the entire book, so if you're not quite finished, beware that there might be some light spoilers ahead.


I hope you've been enjoying your time in Rhysdon! But now it's time to add some music to the mix! I've listened to this soundtrack many times but it's been a little while now, so I look forward to playing it through again. If you'd like to join me, you can find The Q's soundtrack here.

Also, I am in the process of transferring this page into a play list on Spotify (which allows you to register for free). Cheers! 

Where On Earth Is Rhysdon?


Many readers have wondered where exactly is Rhysdon, as there was no map included in the book. Well, there are several clues found in the pages of the clue. It's a bit of a game. For example: James Arch, traveling to London, mentions he will be crossing both channels. That is because Rhysdon is the capital city of an island nation called Greater Rhysdon. We know from The Q that it has its own monarchy and its own government, and while there are influences similar to both England and France, it also claims its own culture. I put a map below, a temporary thing until I can work up an official map from 1898, but it gives you the location of Greater Rhysdon and its place in Western Europe. We will, of course, get to know some more details because of a current project. Until then, enjoy the map below!

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Is it where you expected it to be? Let me know!



THE Q Pinterest Board

Putting together a Pinterest board for The Q was hard! Because Rhysdon (and the country where it resides) is not London, England or Paris, France or Vienna, Austria... It has some commonalities, and some differences, of course. But, you know... Also, the characters. The fashion of Rhysdon had its own twist, separate from London and Paris of the late 1890's, so I couldn't pull too many paintings. To say nothing of Quincy's wardrobe. The moral of the story is, I will have to do a lot of sketches to add to the board over time, so I can really capture the place. Also, the offices of The Q. There's nothing out there quite like it. 

That being said, I had so much fun! There is still more to add, but we've got some good bones. And I'll just have to get to work for the rest.

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Do you have any pins you would add? Let me know what you think. You can find the Pinterest board here!



The Summer Book Club Introduces THE Q

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Welcome to the Summer Book Club's week of reading THE Q! The ebook is one sale this week so send out the link and get your friends to join you!

I know a number of people have been waiting for this week! (Or have already jumped ahead, which is great!) In that spirit, let's get started. It will be a fun week of posts and details and insights. Remember, if you have any questions, you can ask me here or on facebook or through email.

Now, by way of introduction...I'm not going to give much of an introduction. Grin. Because when traveling to some places one wants introductions and recommendations and directions and people telling you what you must see. But sometimes, sometimes, you sense that the expressions of humanity and architecture and culture, the noise and streets and slanted tucks and corners, the parks and cathedrals, the people--as varied and interesting as their surroundings--are meant to be discovered without proper introduction. That they are meant to be found, guided only by whimsy, delight, intrigue, and, possibly, fate. That's how it was for me when, with passport in hand, I traveled to Rhysdon for the first time, finding the offices of The Q and a one Quincy St. Claire, perched on a stool behind her counter, busy at work, hardly noticing I was there at all. It was by following Quincy that I was led far deeper into the workings of Rhysdon than I ever could have on my own. And what I found there was a story not quite like any other.

Welcome to the world of The Q. I'm glad to have you along.




Beth's Summer Book Club Schedule for The Q and The Beast of Ten

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I hope it's a good morning for you all. It's a beautiful one for me. I'm sitting outside while the hummingbirds are flitting about. Various other birds are being quite conversant and a soft sun is filling the garden. I'm actually very fond of Monday mornings, this morning is no exception.

I wanted to post the remaining schedule for my Summer Book Club! It's been fun to see the participation with The Books of Imirillia, and it should be enjoyable to finish off with The Q and The Beast of Ten.

The original plan was to begin The Q today, but at the end of July my father-in-law passed away, and so there have been many important things going on, including his funeral at the end of last week. As a result, I was able to finish The Wanderer's Mark week, but did not have what needed to be ready for The Q. So. If you'll all be patient, we're going to start The Q next Monday instead of today. I hope that doesn't throw anyone off! If you were planning on jumping in today, go for it!!! You can get going and already be in the know by the time the blog posts are up next week! It's always a good day to travel to Rhysdon. The readjusted schedule is below:

The Q : August 13th - 18th

The Beast of Ten : August 20th - 25th 

In the mean time, if you read The Books of imirillia, reviews are very helpful! If you wouldn't mind posting your thoughts to Amazon (and if you have goodreads you can post the same review) on each of the book titles, that is a very helpful way to get the word out.

Thanks for your patience!

